Missing a Great Hacker
Itojun's personal homepage has gone as its owner disappeared. But those who ever had chances to look at it should remember he proudly mentioned his speeches at past PacSec events. I felt that PacSec was somehow a special conference for him.
It was October 31 that I received a message from Dragos. The message started with a phrase "With great sadness".
With great sadness, I regret to inform you that Itojun will not be presenting his great knowledge of IPv6 at PacSec. I have been informed by several sources that he passed away yesterday.
I knew Itojun as one of the smartest and kindest persons I have ever met. He helped everyone around him. He graciously hosted and assisted many foreigners new to Japan at the PacSec conferences, and was a good friend to all. He would go to extraordinary lengths to help anyone around him. We will all miss him - and his work on IPv6 will continue to help us for a long time..
He once said to me, "When a professional race car driver races, his pulse gets lower and he relaxes. When I code it is the same thing." I'll miss him driving around in his prized Fiat 500... and I hope we can all proceed to help fix our V6 networks without his gentle, brilliant, and insistent coaching...
If you knew or respected him, he would have wanted any energy you put towards grief to be spent on speeding the adoption and the robustness of the version 6 internet to which he devoted so much of his extraordinary life to.
The subject of the message was "In Memoriam: Jun-ichiro Hagino". A little later after the above message, Dragos has had forwarded Jun Murai's message saying "It might be most appropriate if you deliver messages to the address below over IPv6".
Those messages had been sent to literally hundreds of recipients (not sent by BCC). I assume the recipients obviously included the past PacSec speakers and other related people. I was added because I had a presentation at PacSec2007, so the list is growing as long as PacSec conference continues.
Have you ever heard the similar ml for a technical conference? I have never. As I wrote in my report, PacSec is a special conference.
I received an acceptance of my session on October 19. I was glad to find the name of itojun, the legendary hacker, on the speakers list. I was excited and looked forward seeing him at the conference, but that opportunity has been lost forever.
I must confess that during the preparation and even after the conference, I have been affected by his death. It might sound strange, but I deeply miss him, a man I never met and talked. Otherwise, I might not have wanted to write an article of PacSec2007.
I wanted to comply my feeling in my first article of PacSec2007, but I changed my mind. Because I found itojun was surely an important part of the conference. There's one more thing dedicated for itojun. It's cordially put in the PacSec2007 conference page. Please find it if you are interested.
Let's start something valuable and try to create something we seek as itojun did during his life. We have time, let's meet together sometimes to chat and have fun. That's it. See you next time.
May his soul rest in peace. May his code and "programming spirit" live with us forever.
Message from Dragos
Oops! I was almost forgetting to introduce you this. I finally got a message from Dragos. Yes, he read my report on PacSec2007. I'd like to conclude this article with his message.
On 12/22/2007 4:57 AM, Dragos Ruiu wrote:
> On Wednesday 19 December 2007 18:18, Toshiharu Harada wrote:
>> I wonder it is ok to publish the slides URL or it is still private.
> Hi,
> Thanks for your kind words and conference report.
> Please do not publish the above url as it it is only hosted on
> a DSL link and would get quickly drowned out by many
> downloads. I will transition the presentations over to the
> real archive site over the next few weeks (which is hosted
> on a higher capacity link and server).
> happy holidays,
> --dr
Well, all I can say is this message is SO Dragos, and I kind of like him. the word "URL" means presentation slides URL. According to Dragos's message, it should be published soon (but don't expect it :-).
Thank you for reading my article. See you next time at "small talk on security".
この記事は、"small talk on security"の2回目の記事となります。読者の方が1回目のレポートを楽しんでいただき、PacSecに興味を持ち参加してみようかなと考えていただければとても幸せです。
読者の方に質問をしましょう。あなたは、PacSec2007で何人の発表者があったかご存じですか? 13人? その通りです。でもそうではないのです。
Talk selections for PacSec 2007 - November 29 and 30 - Aoyama Diamond Hall
- Programmed I/O accesses: a threat to virtual machine monitors? - Loic Duflot,
- Developing Fuzzers with Peach - Michael Eddington, Leviathan Security
- Cyber Attacks Against Japan - Hiroshi Kawaguchi, LAC
- Windows Localization: Owning Asian Windows Versions - Kostya Kortchinsky, Immunity
- TOMOYO Linux - Toshiharu Harada, NTT Data
- IPV6 Demystified - Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino, IPv6Samurais
- Automated JavaScript Deobfuscation - Alex Rice, Websense Security Labs
- Enter Sandman (why you should never go to sleep) - Nicolas Ruff & Matthieu Suiche, EADS
- Agent-oriented SQL Abuse - Fernando Russ & Diego Tiscornia, Core
- Bad Ideas: Using a JVM/CLR for Intellectual Property Protection - Marc Schoenefeld,
- Heap exploits are dead. Heap exploits remain dead. And we have killed them.
- Nicolas Waisman, Immunity
- Deploying and operating a Global Distributed Honeynet - David Watson, Honeynet Project
- Office 0days and the people who love them - TBA, Microsoft.
(I would also like to thank Colin Delaney and Stephen Ridley as standby presenters)
気がつきましたか? このときには14件のエントリーがあったのです。つまり、このときから会議が開かれた11月29日までの間に1つのエントリーが消えてしまったわけです。
失われたエントリーのタイトルは「IPV6 Demystified」で、発表者は「itojun」でした。ここで私は彼の本名ではなく、彼が愛して使ったハンドルであるitojunで呼びます。ごく最近になるまで彼の名前はプログラムの中に含まれていましたが、今となっては会議の関係者に送られたメッセージの中にしか残されていません。