今回評価する「Virtual Machine Manager」は、Red Hat社から今後リリースされるXenをサポートするRed Hat Enterprise Linux 5(RHEL5)に搭載される予定の管理ツールです。執筆時点(2006年10月)ではRHEL5がリリースされてなく、ツールの開発自体も進行中ですので、今回は基本的な使用感などを評価します。
It presents a summary view of running domains and their live performance & resource utilization statistics. A detailed view presents graphs showing performance & utilization over time.
Ultimately it will allow creation of new domains, and configuration & adjustment of a domain's resource allocation & virtual hardware.
Finally an embedded VNC client viewer presents a full graphical console to the guest domain.
The application logic is written in Python, while the UI is constructed with Glade and GTK+, based on mockups provided by UI interaction designers. The libvirt Python bindings are used to interacting with the underlying hypervisor. This enables the application to be written independant of any particular hypervisor technology, although Xen is the current primary platform. When libvirt is ported to additional hypervisors minimal effort will be required to update the management UI.