SVN on the team project development

Jurgen Langner

History View

 If you click on the right-mouse menu while focused on a file in the editor and select Compare With, then Latest from Repository, you will be switched over to the history view with a new tab also opening in the editor view.

 What this process does is connects to the repository and performs a line by line comparison with the file that is in your working copy and the same file that is in the repository.

 Then Zend Studio for Eclipse shows you the results of this comparison in the editor view area and at the same time displays some historical statistics in the history view. A typical screen of this process is shown in figure 3.

Synchronize View and SVN Annotate View

 Synchronize View is used to help maintain the up-to-date status of the files that are in your working copy. You can use it to verify that your working copy has the most recent changes that are committed to the repository.

 If one programmer has been working on a file and now its your turn to do some work, it is this process that you should run before you start doing your own changes. To start this process simply right-mouse on the file in question and select Synchronize with Repository from the Team menu.

 SVN Annotate View works hand-in-hand with the History view. Here you can select an item of a files lineage from the History view and with the right-menu option of Show Annotation you will be shown a listing of all the revisions that the file in focus has undergone. You can then jump between “versions” of the file and view that code as it looked during older revisions.

 I would like to show Scenario 2. This Scenario is that many developers in different area are working on same project. See you next week!

Zend Technologies
Jurgen Langner is Global Marketing Director at Zend Technologies. In this position he is responsible for Zend’s worldwide Field Marketing Operations. Jurgen primarily focuses on the extension of New Business\\, the positioning of Zend\\, support of the PHP eco system and management of Zend’s large customer base.Jurgen joined Zend as Marketing Director in December 2005 and built up the marketing activities for the national market. Since January 2007 he was additionally responsible for the market communication in Europe\\, Middle East and Africa.

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